ClubDeal Registry

The ClubDealRegistry contract is another crucial component of the MintDeals platform. It manages the registration, membership, and deal processing for clubs, integrating with a credit facility and credit manager to provide financial benefits to businesses.

Key Functions

1. Club Creation and Management

createClub(address _paymentTokenAddress, uint256 _membershipFee, bool _sendToCreditFacility)

  • Creates a new club with specified membership fee and payment token.

  • Charges a club creation fee from the owner.

  • Registers the club owner with the Credit Manager.

updateClub(uint256 _clubId, uint256 _membershipFee, bool _active, bool _sendToCreditFacility)

  • Allows club owners to update club details such as membership fee, active status, and whether to send fees to the credit facility or directly to their own wallet.

2. Membership Management

addClubMember(uint256 _clubId, address _newMember, address _paymentTokenAddress)

  • Adds a new member to a club.

  • Processes membership fee payment, splitting it between the credit facility and the club owner.

isMember(uint256 _clubId, address _address)

  • Checks if an address is a member of a specific club.

3. Deal Creation and Management

createDeal(uint256 _clubId, uint256 _maxSupply, uint256 _expiryDate, string memory _metadataURI, uint256 _maxMintPerMember)

  • Allows club owners to create new deals with specified supply, expiry date, and minting limits.

mintDeal(uint256 _clubId, uint256 _dealId)

  • Enables club members to mint deal NFTs.

confirmRedemption(uint256 _clubId, uint256 _dealId, uint256 tokenId)

  • Allows club owners to confirm when a deal has been redeemed.

4. Information Retrieval


  • Returns the total number of clubs created.

getClubMemberCount(uint256 _clubId)

  • Returns the number of members in a specific club.

getDealDetails(uint256 _clubId, uint256 _dealId)

  • Retrieves details of a specific deal.

getClubsForMember(address _user)

  • Returns all clubs a user is a member of.

5. Financial Operations

swapViaCEX(address tokenIn, address tokenOut, address to)

  • Facilitates token swaps via a centralized exchange (CEX).

withdrawCollectedFees(address _tokenAddress, address to)

  • Allows admins to withdraw collected club creation fees.

Key Concepts

  1. Club Creation: Businesses can create clubs by paying a creation fee, setting membership fees, and choosing payment tokens.

  2. Membership: Users can join clubs by paying the membership fee, which is split between the credit manager and the credit facility or club owner directly.

  3. Deals: Club owners can create deals as NFTs, which members can mint and redeem.

  4. Credit Facility Integration: The contract integrates with a credit facility, allowing a portion of membership fees to be used as collateral for business loans.

  5. Admin Functions: The contract includes administrative functions for fee management and system updates.

By leveraging this contract, MintDeals creates a ecosystem where businesses can offer exclusive deals, build member communities, and access credit facilities, all within a decentralized framework.

Last updated